Mar 6, 2023

How to Pay Patent Annuities in Cambodia

Annuity fees are the periodic payments that must be made to keep a patent in force. In Cambodia, patents are valid for 20 years from the date of filing, and annuity fees must be paid annually to maintain the patent's validity. Failure to pay the annuity fees can result in the patent becoming invalid. This article will outline the steps involved in paying annuity fees for a patent in Cambodia.

Determine the Annuity Fee Amount

The annuity fee amount for a patent in Cambodia depends on the number of years it has been in force. The fee amount increases with each year of the patent's validity. The current annuity amounts are as follows (converted in US dollars from Khmer Riels):

Calculate the Due Date

The due date for the annuity fee payment is the anniversary of the patent's filing date, payable in advance. To avoid missing the due date, mark it on a calendar or reminder system.

Make the Payment

To pay the annuity to the Patent Office, a request for a statement of annuities due must first be requested. In response, the Patent Office will issue a written statement of the annuities that can, and must, be paid at that time. Payment must be made in person.

Obtain the Receipt

After the annuity fee payment has been made, a receipt will be issued.

Issuance of Acknowledgement of Annuity Payment

The patent office will issue the acknowledgement of annuity payment within two months from the date of payment has been paid. The acknowledgement serves as proof of payment and should be kept in a safe place. The receipt may be required as evidence of the patent's validity in legal disputes or licensing negotiations.

In conclusion, paying annuity fees for a patent in Cambodia is a crucial step in maintaining the patent's validity. Patent holders should determine the annuity fee amount, calculate the due date, make the payment, and obtain the receipt. By following these steps, patent holders can ensure that their patents remain in force and protect their intellectual property rights in Cambodia.

For more on the patent system, please refer to our Guide to Patent Law in Cambodia